My Story

My story


This year I turned age 66! My best friend/spouse, George, turned 80. Big Celebration!!

Did those numbers mean that now we should accept poor health, increased aches and pain, arthritis, and more brain fog!? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I had already lived quite a full life of my choosing: An educator in the schools, a wife and mom who happily raised a family, who gave performances weekly as a classically trained organist/pianist for decades, teamed with my husband as owners and operators of our insurance and hospitality hotel businesses, and led lots of community groups! Then from my bucket list of things I still wanted to pursue, 10 years ago I became a full-time flight attendant, jet-setting the world, "living the dream"! (So they say!)

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My story


This year I turned age 66! My best friend/spouse, George, turned 80. Big Celebration!!

Did those numbers mean that now we should accept poor health, increased aches and pain, arthritis, and more brain fog!? ABSOLUTELY NOT! I had already lived quite a full life of my choosing: An educator in the schools, a wife and mom who happily raised a family, who gave performances weekly as a classically trained organist/pianist for decades, teamed with my husband as owners and operators of our insurance and hospitality hotel businesses, and led lots of community groups! Then from my bucket list of things I still wanted to pursue, 10 years ago I became a full-time flight attendant, jet-setting the world, "living the dream"! (So they say!)

In March 2020, Covid 19 hit hard. I was considered "An Essential Needed Worker" in the midst of the scary chaos and I had no choice but to serve. I "hoped" that my immunity in such a vulnerable position, with no protection at the time, was adequate to withstand the unknown risks. It had been a horrific year. The media added fear showing many older who were dying, especially those who were already vulnerable with diabetes, etc. I thought of my mom and dad often who were already gone. In a way, I was relieved that they did not have to move through this pandemic or worry about me out there vulnerable as a required worker.

I thought I had always eaten pretty well. I prided myself thinking I was healthy because I worked out and my body size didn't appear a problem. Underneath I knew my osteoporosis, joint pain, and inflammation, along with losing my slimmer waistline with those aggravating menopausal symptoms such as night sweats were contributing to me feeling older! My daily smile as I flew necessary passengers didn't reveal that my stress and pain symptoms had me concerned. I thought about my dear mom and dad's decline in health in their later years. My mom had chronic rheumatoid arthritis and for years took injections to have a functional life. I watched as she ate sugar galore at meals, or as a meal!

She loved cheesecake for breakfast, sugary jellos and cakes anytime! Her favorite outing was to McDonalds's for a strawberry milk shake! Dad took in cookies or cake for his breakfast... which ended when he passed in 2000 after a heart attack. I sadly watched my mom as "brain fog" became the norm through the years. Was this what George and I had to look forward to? I could not bear the thought of losing my dear George early! His own father had died from diabetes at the early age of just 67 years. My mom's arthritis already seemed to be part of my own trajectory with my aching joints. Working in the chaos and stress of Covid 19 made me even more desperate to find some answers! I wanted to live well and healthy with longevity!

Then in January 2021, I came upon Eric Edmeades with his WILDFIT masterclass! I read more and was curious about the huge impact on health and wellness his 90 day program had had on everyone who had done the 13 week challenge! What Eric shared made perfect, total sense! I signed up for the WILDFIT challenge and plopped down my investment in myself! Within the first 2 weeks, I had learned more about food and food psychology, and myself than I had learned in my lifetime! From the start, I loved WILDFIT! It was a journey that empowered me and taught me about being mindful and conscious of the food I was eating. I became aware of what my body was hungry for! No more food confusion of what to eat! The curriculum included 58 videos that were entertaining-Eric Edmeades is a master storyteller!

WILDFIT opened my eyes to the devious tactics of the food marketing industry. Each week I was learning more and more, as I was gently led down the path towards wellness! AMAZING RESULTS! After the first several weeks, my menopause "symptoms" faded away completely! My slim waistline of years ago was mine again! No more achy joints and arthritis fears, no more restless sleep, bloating or night sweats! My entire life perspective shifted and I was more confident, clear minded, and happy! WILDFIT was having a huge impact on other areas of my life too such as relationships and work. George saw the changes in me! About Week #6 of the challenge, he surprised me by blatantly announcing. "I want to lose this fat around my belly I've had for years and feel better too!"

In addition, George had gut problems, major skin difficulties, and ongoing congestion. I brought him along, cooked easy delicious food, and we watched as his weight around his belly released and went away, for the first time in years! His gut healed completely, symptoms of pain ceased, and we both slept better than we had in years! We clearly were on the right track! We felt vibrant and younger and clearly looked younger too! No more wasted money on supplements or pills looking for answers, no diets, no vigorous workouts! It made so much sense to eat like human beings were designed to eat! We felt food freedom and control of our cravings like we had never experienced before! Our minds were sharper, our energy increased, and our perspective of life and the future was positive! What a life changing journey!

Grateful beyond words, I felt strongly that I wanted to make a difference for others too! I saw hundreds of overweight, unhealthy passengers daily; many with diabetes, heart disease and painful ailments who needed my assistance on and off the aircraft. It wasn't their fault! These dear people were right there in front of my eyes and I wanted to help them in even a bigger way! George was clearly on board with me. I felt a passion to help as many people as possible to improve the trajectory of their lives and health! I began my certification as a WILDFIT coach and made myself available to those who wanted to learn more and invest in a better life for themselves and their loved ones!

Imagine waking each day with energy and vitality like never before! Imagine no more confusion about what to eat and walking away from cravings that previously held you prisoner! Imagine your increased self-confidence and having such a clear, positive mind! No more wasted money on unnecessary supplements, diet food, or clothes that don't fit! Imagine having sustained energy to not need an afternoon coffee or nap to keep going! And how about being able to run and play actively with the grandkids! If any of this interests you, let me know! There is a place on to send me a quick message with your email and phone. I would be so happy to hear from you and answer your questions! WILDFIT has been a life changing experience for George and myself, and for many thousands of others! I can't wait to share it with You!

Lots of Love of Life to You!

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